About Us

Express Insurance Limited (EIL) was incorporated in the insurance sector of the country on 30 March-2000 under the Companies Act-1994 as a third-generation non-life (general) insurance company. EIL obtained certificate of registration from the then Controller of Insurance now Insurance Development Regulatory Authority (IDRA) and started business operation on 18 May 2000. Company has passed 24 years of achievement & success and obtained remarkable business reputation in the non-life insurance companies. The company carries its business activities through 32 branches situated at prime business locations across the country. The company listed with Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) and Chittagong Stock Exchange (CSE) and started trading of shares on 24 August, 2020. EIL is the member of Bangladesh Insurance Association (BIA) and Bangladesh Association of Publicly Listed Companies (BAPLC). The present Credit Rating position of the company is “AA+” for long term and “ST-1” for short term.

The Board of Directors of Express Insurance Limited are well known business personalities and eminent entrepreneurs of the country. Management team of the company are skilled, highly educated and longtime experienced in the insurance profession. A group of experienced and well-educated Branch Managers and Marketing Officers are working in the company who are committed to provide better and prompt services of valued clients. EIL has the plan to open new branches in various important business locations of the country to reach the services too easy and expand business operations.


The mission of Express Insurance Limited (EIL) is to provide the highest protection of the wealth of its valued clients and provide fast, accurate & satisfactory services. EIL intended to develop good Governance and Corporate Culture and to be a partner in the national development.


Express Insurance Limited (EIL) started its business operation with the vision to be dynamic, confident and reliable insurance of the country and obtain the business goal as well as earn business reputation in the insurance industry. To play important role for social and national advancement of the country is another vision of the Company.


  • Provide maximum security of the wealth of clients along with prompt and satisfactory service
  • Ensure the interest of valued clients & shareholders and to achieve their satisfaction.
  • Settel the claim promptly without hassle.
  • To be dynamic and strong organization in the insurance industry.
  • Improve business operation and enhance the CSR activities.